UNA Pressroom

Una To Honor Servicemen And Women Next Week

Nov. 06, 2012

Michelle Eubanks, UNA, at media@teddyexports.net, 256.765.4392 or 256.606.2033

FLORENCE, Ala. - Following the 11th anniversary of the Sept. 11 tragedy and the recent return of the 115th Signal Battalion from Afghanistan, the University of North Alabama will honor those who have served their country, both past and present, with its annual Veterans Day Commemoration Ceremony Nov. 12 at 10 a.m. at the UNA Memorial Amphitheatre. Rain location will be the GUC Performance Center. 退伍军人节纪念仪式每年由UNA学生政府协会和UNA军事和退伍军人联盟共同主办,以表彰学生, alumni, faculty, staff and community veterans from all branches of the military and uniformed services. Florence Mayor Mickey Haddock will be this year's featured speaker. The ceremony will also include performances by the Pride of Dixie band and the University Chorale. "It is important today, with less than 1 percent of our nation's citizens serving to defend it, that we honor the sacrifices of the brave women and men who stand up to serve our country. This event is simply about remembering and recognizing the sacrifices of those great Americans among us," said Lt. Col. (Ret.) Wayne P. Bergeron, 联合国联合大学军事和退伍军人联盟的教师顾问和联合国联合大学刑事司法部门的临时主席. UNA has a long history and affiliation with military service, having commissioned 1,该校有128名陆军后备军官训练队(ROTC)的少尉,该校的学生和首页曾在每一次美国军事行动中服役.S. conflict since the Civil War. The UNA Veterans Day Commemoration Ceremony is open to the public. For more information on the ceremony or the UNA Military and Veteran Alliance, contact Bergeron at 256-765-5022 (office), 256-335-4924 (mobile) or wpbergeron@teddyexports.net.